My Intention for You

My Intention for You

Now that the rush of the holiday season has passed and kids are back at school, it's time to look – really look – at the year ahead.

What are you looking forward to? What challenges lie in front of you? What changes do you want to make? To your relationships, health, work, Perhaps how you manage your ADHD?

It can be exciting thinking about what you want and bringing new things into your life!
It can also be scary and bring up feelings of doubt and trepidation.

THINKING is where it all starts, but it's not enough to make your goals a reality. You must DO things. Do new things, learn new things, do things differently. And think differently. Why? Because if you do what you’ve done in the past you’ll end up with the same results. Something needs to change, and growth is rarely comfortable.

To move forward you need to grow.

So, what do you do? Make a plan! A plan is the most reliable way of turning your thoughts into actions and achieving results. Here are some questions to help you organise your thoughts so you can organise your actions.

ADHD or not, we all need to start by organising our thoughts.

➡ WHAT do you want? Be specific and measurable so you’ll know when you’ve achieved it.
➡ WHY is this important to you? Know your REAL motivation.
➡ WHEN do you want it? Give yourself something to aim for.
➡ HOW could you get it? There are usually more ways than one. Be creative.
➡ WHAT could get in the way? Be prepared.
➡ WHO will support you and keep you accountable? Because we all need support and accountability. If you have difficulty with internal accountability, as many people with ADHD do, then external accountability is a must.

People plan in many ways so don't stress. There’s no such thing as a perfect plan and every plan changes. What’s important is starting.

Start thinking differently. Start doing. Start creating the change you want in your life. Start being the person you want to be. Start today.

If you need help or encouragement at any time, please reach out. You don’t need to go it alone. We can jump on a call (for free) and chat about what's going on.

Or join us at our upcoming webinar Peak Performance Under Pressure with ADHD and get some ideas on how you can move forward. Afterall, as Mindset and Performance Coaches we specialise in thinking and doing, so let us help you.☺

Let’s get you moving forward towards your goals and the life you want.
Let's make 2022 the year of YOU!

About the Author

Nicole holds a degree in Psychology from Harvard University and is an internationally Certified NLP Master Results Coach. She is a former Australian Champion athlete and Commonwealth Games representative who knows what it takes to push yourself outside your comfort zone to achieve results. As a wife and business partner of someone with ADHD, Nicole draws on her intimate knowledge of executive functioning and over 25 years in human resources to help empower her clients to increase their productivity and performance so they can live their best life.

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Dream big, Start today! 

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