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Things to Love About ADHD – Part 2 ❤

Today’s post continues our look at celebrating the positives that can come with having ADHD.  Read on…

Entrepreneurial Spirit ☺

Creativity and ingenuity fuel new ideas and concepts and conceive unforeseen solutions to problems. And people with ADHD may well be the most creative people you know!

When your brain functions differently you often see things from a perspective other people don’t.  So, having an ADHD mind can be an advantage, as it is indifferent to group think and can offer creative opportunities to problems.

It’s widely known that people with ADHD can take risks others may not, due to their inhibition and impulsivity. The good news: often the most successful people are those willing to fail fastest. Thank you, ADHD!


People with ADHD can be extremely resilient. Afterall, they have had to be! Giving up isn’t always an option and, as challenging as things can get, it’s often not what they want – they don’t want to be defined by ADHD.

So, they pick themselves up and persist. With a dogged determination they look for a way forward. It may not be pretty, and it may take some time, but through sheer persistence they often do get the job done.

But tasks are not always a drag. No, when interest is sparked the ADHD superpower can kick in – hyperfocus. Highly focused attention and concentration is perfect for deep work and tackling complex tasks.

Seeing someone with such focus can be inspiring! Their passion and dedication to achieve, do, or create something meaningful can stir this desire in others. Add their willingness to work hard at making it happen and it can be contagious.

Things the World Loves About ADHD ❤

People with ADHD contribute significantly to society. There are many successful entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, surgeons, technology wizzes, specialists, and subject matter experts all with ADHD. They can indeed succeed, and knowing their special strengths and how to leverage them plays a huge role.

The result? We all benefit.

What’s your favourite ADHD trait or superpower?

About the Author

Nicole holds a degree in Psychology from Harvard University and is an internationally Certified NLP Master Results Coach. She is a former Australian Champion athlete and Commonwealth Games representative who knows what it takes to push yourself outside your comfort zone to achieve results. As a wife and business partner of someone with ADHD, Nicole draws on her intimate knowledge of executive functioning and over 25 years in human resources to help empower her clients to increase their productivity and performance so they can live their best life.

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