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World Mental Health Day

Everyone needs support. Sometimes it’s a little; sometimes it’s a lot.

No matter what you’re going through right now – and we are all going through something – know that you are not alone. People care about you and are ready to support you.

Just let them know.

There’s no shame in asking for help. In fact, knowing when you need assistance is a sign of strength. And letting others know this shows even more strength. There is a strength in vulnerability.

So, today, we have a simple ask:

Please tune into yourself. Please check in on others.

And we ask you to do this, not because it’s World Mental Health Day, but because it matters. 
You matter. We all matter. And every day we have matters.

❓ How are you doing…really?

❓ How are they doing…really?

❓ What help and support could you use?

❓ What help and support could they use?

It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small – it all makes a difference. 

If you or someone you know needs some help, some support, some encouragement, some hope, please know that it exists. There are people who care, people who want to help, and people who can help.

We want to and we can. Even if it’s just to work out what help is needed. Please reach out.

We’re here.

 And you are not alone. ❤
About the Author

Nicole holds a degree in Psychology from Harvard University and is an internationally Certified NLP Master Results Coach. She is a former Australian Champion athlete and Commonwealth Games representative who knows what it takes to push yourself outside your comfort zone to achieve results. As a wife and business partner of someone with ADHD, Nicole draws on her intimate knowledge of executive functioning and over 25 years in human resources to help empower her clients to increase their productivity and performance so they can live their best life.

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